Micro / Drip Irrigation
In Micro / Drip Irrigation, water and fertilizers are applied through a network of UV resistant pipes and calibrated emitters (dripper, Micro sprinklers), at a defined flow rate, close to plant roots on plant requirement basis. Therefore, the soil near the roots is always kept at "field capacity" which enables the crop to easily capture required water and nutrients, and grow healthier.
Since water is applied so close to the plants that it reaches only the area of the soil necessary to feed the roots Micro / Drip Irrigation, unlike other traditional methods, prevent the moisturizing of whole soil profile resulting in saving in water leaching and evaporation.
Whereas in traditional methods of irrigation water is applied in large quantities but at long intervals , resulting in a cycle of plant stress from soil saturation to wilting point , in Micro / Drip irrigation water will be applied in small quantity on a high frequency basis (daily) to maintain optimal moisture level in soil in which the plant can flourish.
Suitable for irrigation of row crops like Sugarcane, Cotton, Banana, Strawberry, Vegetables, Spices and Floriculture. Also recommended to use in Greenhouses and Nurseries, used for widely spaced horticultural plants like Mango, Citrus, Guava, Apple etc.
Pakistan's economy remains widely dependent on agriculture. In Pakistan, land and climate are conducive to grow good quality crops, but improvement of yield and quality of crops to their potential remains a far distant objective, whereas a continuous demand for food of quality for an ever-increasing population create more and more pressure on the agroecosystem.
Introduction and development of technologies that not only save precious inputs like water & fertilizer, but also can address productivity and quality requirement are the need of the day. High efficiency irrigation system brings, valuable contribution to address the situation.
Jaffer Agro Services (Private) Limited initiated its High Efficiency Irrigation Systems project in 2005 with technical collaboration and active support of M/S Jain Irrigations, India for Drip Irrigation & M/S Lindsey Manufacturing, USA for Sprinkler Irrigations and installed the first system in June 2006.
Jaffer Agro Services (Private) Limited is committed to accompany these technologies to the farm to secure the required Paradigm shift and support adapted management and agronomical practices necessary to get maximum economical return of these investments. Jaffer Agro Services (Private) Limited therefore offers services ranging from farm survey, design, finalization of system in view of specific farmer requirement, approval by supervising authorities when required to system installations, maintenance & after sales services and agronomical guidance for optimization of actual system performance in the farm rotation.
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